
Articles / Interviews 


A child’s wish is unique and must be chosen by the child. We take care of preparing and carrying out the personalised wish. Our talented volunteers from Ticino first meet the child and his or her family at home to get to know each other and understand the reason for the choice. This is followed by a whole waiting phase, sometimes with the help of external service providers, during which we prepare the child for their wish and involve them in certain decisions so that they can start dreaming. Children want to meet their idols, have an exciting experience, go to the place of their dreams or get something they’ve always dreamed of. We always create an event and add a touch of magic to the wish with little surprises, so that it remains a positive memory to share with the whole family.

Thank you to Farmacie Spazio Salute for this article about the Foundation and, in particular, the stages involved in granting a wish.

What does it mean to grant a wish as we understand it at Make-A-Wish?

A wish is not just a fleeting gift for a seriously ill child. It’s a planned journey, designed to complement their medical treatment. The process of making a wish come true – from capturing it to anticipating it, from the big day of the wish to memorable memories – helps to enhance the child’s emotional and physical wellbeing, as it offers powerful and positive experiences.

Thank you to Femmes et Sports magazine for this article about the Foundation and, in particular, the stages involved in granting a wish.

How does Make-A-Wish work in Switzerland and Liechtenstein?

An interview that reveals the steps involved in making the wishes of children with serious illnesses come true. Answering questions such as: What are the possible areas of wishes that the foundation can grant?

Thanks to @UNToday for this article about Make-A-Wish’s mission and the dreams it fulfils!

20 years of the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Whether it’s Roger Federer’s tips and tricks, flying in a fighter jet or meeting Mickey Mouse in a luxury hotel: when it comes to the most heartfelt wishes of seriously ill children, the Make-A-Wish Switzerland Foundation makes almost anything possible. The story of Make-A-Wish International began over 40 years ago when a seven-year-old boy in Phoenix dreamed of being a policeman for a day while suffering from severe leukaemia. A small group of volunteers made this possible and went on to found an organisation to help other children fulfil their heart’s desires. Since then, volunteers in over 50 countries have made magical experiences possible for more than half a million sick children aged between 3 and 18. Make-A-Wish Switzerland is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

Thanks to @schweizer illustrierte for this article on the Foundation’s 20th anniversary and the mission of Make-A-Wish!

A positive impact on morale

“We make impossible dreams possible. Devon has had the opportunity to talk to famous drivers. The hardest thing is to reunite a child with a significant other. Granting a child’s wish has a fundamental impact on their morale. Several studies say so. It is also something that volunteers and families enjoy. There are families who go into crisis when faced with a child’s illness. Wish fulfilment unites them.”

Desirée Dellavolta, Southern AlpsMake-A-Wish Manager

Thanks to @ticionline for this article on Devon’s story and the mission of Make-A-Wish!

20 years of granted wishes

“Make-A-Wish of Switzerland and Liechtenstein was founded in Geneva in 2003 and has since granted more than 750 wishes to seriously ill children, often with activities involving the whole family.

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Make-A-Wish wants to focus on solidarity and visibility. To this end, various events of all kinds were organised in all regions of Switzerland and Liechtenstein: charity runs, lunches, fundraising evenings, tournaments, concerts, time shops, to name but a few.”

Thanks to @ticinowelcome for this article in honour of the 20th anniversary of the Make-A-Wish Switzerland Foundation!

Make-A-Wish on the radio

Radio Lac 

Radio Chablais


First half of interview


Second half of interview

Interview Gwill, Make-A-Wish Ambassador, Radio Rouge FM, 25.08.2022

Radio Lac, Gonet Geneva Open 2023

part 1

Radio Lac, Gonet Geneva Open 2023

part 2

 Promotional movie

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